Chloe x Halle Open Up About Finding Their Voices as Young Women
Chloe x Halle look beautiful posing on one of the seven covers of Teen Vogue‘s 2018 Music Issue, out now.
Here’s what the 19-year-old and 18-year-old “Grown” superstar sister act had to say…
Chloe on the self-discovery experienced while creating their album: “Finding our voices as young women, not only in music but as young women in this world. Finding ourselves and speaking up about what’s right and what’s wrong and talking about our insecurities and learning to love them.”
Halle on using their voices to call for gender parity in the music industry: “We’re trying to raise awareness for what we can be and prove to others that we don’t need to stay in this cookie-cutter image of what a woman should be. We can be so much more.”
Chloe on not being restricted by the expectations of others: “It’s fun proving people wrong. Even with our music, early on when we were much younger, people sometimes said our music should be more simple, more digestible, but my sister and I, we just pushed through together and we’re like, ‘Bam. We’re gonna do what we want to do.’”
For more from Chloe x Halle, visit