The show centers on the adventures of Katherine “Kit” Bridges (Timmins) when she and her dad, Rudy, move to England for his new job at Covington Academy, an elite equestrian boarding school.
Life at a new school is never easy � particularly when you are afraid to ride � but Kit will be able to handle any challenge she faces thanks to her new friend, TK�.who just so happens to be the most stubborn and difficult horse at the Academy.
Max & Shred chronicles the hilarious and unlikely friendship between Max Asher (Gray), a celebrity snowboarder, and Alvin Shred Ackerman (Goodman), a science whiz-kid, who become roommates and instant bros when Max moves to Colorado to train for the Winter Cup.
The two boys must work to become friends and learn to navigate the trials of teenage life from completely opposite points of view.
Check out this first look clip from the upcoming buddy comedy series Max & Shred, provided exclusively to!
The show chronicles the hilarious and unlikely friendship between Max Asher (Jonny Gray), a celebrity snowboarder, and Alvin “Shred” Ackerman (Jake Goodman), a science whiz-kid, who become roommates and instant “bros” when Max moves to Colorado to train for the Winter Cup.
The two boys must work to become friends and learn to navigate the trials of teenage life from completely opposite points of view.
Max & Shred premieres on Monday, October 6 @ 7:30PM ET/PT on Nickelodeon!