James Maslow Was 'Pleasantly Surprised' with Cheryl Burke as DWTS Switch-Up Parter

James Maslow Was 'Pleasantly Surprised' with Cheryl Burke as DWTS Switch-Up Parter

James Maslow and Peta Murgatroyd arrive back at the dance studio to get started on their contemporary dance on Wednesday afternoon (April 9) in Los Angeles.

The reunited pair will be taking on a contemporary dance for next week’s Dancing With The Stars.

“When I found out I was dancing with Cheryl [Burke], I was surprised. I honestly thought that they were going to switch Cody [Simpson] and I, so I was pleasantly surprised. Witney [Carson] is great, but Cheryl has been here since the second season, so as good of a choreographer and dancer as Witney is, Cheryl really has a bit of a leg up,” James confessed in his new Parade blog about the switch up.

He continued, “I’m happy with last night’s performance. At first it was hard to tell whether it was going to be as good as something I could do with Peta because I’m very comfortable dancing with her and I’m still really happy she’s my partner. I was pleasantly surprised that Cheryl and I were able to have such great chemistry and such an awesome dance. I’ve seen mostly positive comments and feedback. A few people are upset at her for trying to kiss me, but that was planned. I think we got a little closer than we’ve gotten in rehearsal, but we’re dancing the tango and it should be that shocking.”

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Photos: AKM-GSI
Posted to: James Maslow, Peta Murgatroyd