Cole Sprouse Opens Up About Betty & Jughead's Breakup on 'Riverdale'

Cole Sprouse Opens Up About Betty & Jughead's Breakup on 'Riverdale'

The thing we never wanted to happen on Riverdale happened — and Bughead’s breakup is breaking our hearts!

Cole Sprouse spoke with Collider after the episode last night, where we saw Archie break up with Jughead for Betty, as she was being threatened by Black Hood to do it.

It was a moment Jughead maybe saw coming ahead of time, too.

“There’s that one line in it, too, that he goes, ‘No, you guys haven’t been good’ and he’s trying to lie to himself and he goes, ‘No, I saw her earlier!’ But he knows he’s on the Southside now, and he knows he’s been away from everyone,” Cole says.

He adds, “I think Archie is also Jughead’s weakness when it comes to Betty, because they were kind of the three amigos when they were young, but Betty had always favored Archie and it’s something that will definitely see prevalence later on in the season, and just how much of a friendship Betty and Jughead had, even though it was just the three of them when they were younger or if Jughead felt more like a third wheel.”

“So Archie coming to deliver the bad news is not only a slap from Betty, but really a slap from Archie too, which I think is something we explore a lot later.”

While we don’t know when or even if Bughead will reunite, one thing that Cole says is that Jughead will regret not being there for Betty as she’s being forced into these bad situations by Black Hood.

“Definitely,” he says without a beat about his Jughead’s regrets. “The first half of this season for Jughead is like establishing the world that is the Southside, with the inevitable kind of civil war between the North and the South, in which Jughead’s narrative becomes a lot more prevalent, in the same way from the first season.”

He adds, “He’s kind of stretched as thin as possible right now…I think he’ll end up regretting quite a bit that he wasn’t around for Betty, but I also don’t think Jughead thinks Betty can’t take care of herself, which I think is important.”

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Photos: The CW
Posted to: Cole Sprouse, Lili Reinhart, Riverdale, Television